Incandescent, By: River Savage

After The Final Chapters

10454290_1434957670103810_4417139872160989595_nI enjoyed every single word the author wrote in Incandescent. I adored each character and look forward to seeing these characters in the author’s work later.

The cover is artistically done right. The cover attracts my attention and fits the story.

I don’t like sharing the plot, because I feel as a reader you need to discover the story on your own. The author’s back cover is enough to attract the reader’s attention.  Plus I am tired of seeing reviews go over every little detail with the plot and giving it away. Why would I want to read it the book then?

Sorry I made left turn there and went on a little rant about peoples’ reviews giving away plots.

Ok, I am back on track.

How do you know if this book is for you?

Ask yourself this. Do you like hot sex scenes that make your inside tighten…

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